Writer: Muluvhu – wa – Sane

It was quite blushful to witness the members of the ruling party supporting each other with the main opposition DA to vote in favour of impeachment to our two judges, Vho-John Hlophe and Vho-Nkola Motata respectively. Is it an era where we eat one of our own with the support of previously advantaged beneficiaries?

It’s subsequent to the impeachment of turned controversial former Public Speaker, Vho-Adv Busisiwe Mukhwebane towards the end of her term last year.

Misconducts of Western Cape Judge President Vho- John Hlope was committed around 2008 when he was alleged to have influenced two judges to rule in favour of former President Vho-Gedhleyehlekisa Zuma. While, retired Judge Vho-Nkola Motata was accused of being involved in car accidents while drunk in 2007.

It took years for taxpayer’s funded litigation and delays before the two were finally removed as judges yesterday by parliamentarians. Zwa zwino vho atamela uri Vho-Matamela vha khwathisedze through letters that they are officially removed.

All three being removed are black intellectuals, fully qualified despite of misconducts and history will write that for the first time to impeach Public Speaker, Judge President and also Judge was during the tenure of Vho-Matamela.

The state capture report was released after the commission utilised around R2bn and to date, the prosecution of perpetrators is elusive. On the other side, service delivery turned to be a lip service amidst the crises of loadshedding, the rife of crime, unemployment and poverty.

Graduates hardly get employment including Doctors and matriculants are battling for admission at tertiary institutions due to space as well financial exclusions. Safety is not guaranteed, as all citizens are vulnerable to criminals at any minute while parliamentarians are enjoying VIP protection on taxpayer’s money. Protection to them on top of some perks are good for them to debate and parade what is bragful to them inspite of partial, favour or none rightful service delivery to the citizens. Ri khou livha-fhi na u swafhi wee?

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