Health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba congratulates midwives and all other nurses who participated in the delivery of quadruplets at Masisi Clinic near Musina yesterday afternoon. A midwife who was on her way out after closing the clinic at knock off time met a heavily pregnant woman entering the clinic. Masisi Clinic does not operate 24 hours.

The midwife went back to assist the patient only to find that the woman was in labour. Without the records of pregnancy because the woman had no history of antenatal since she is a foreign national that is undocumented, the nurse took the necessary risk to deliver the woman and succeeded in delivering the four babies.

Naturally, delivering of quadruplets is a risky and a delicate process which is not done at clinics but at hospital under the supervision of doctors. But this brave midwife together with her staff rose to the occassion. The mother and her bundles of joy were thereafter transfered to Donald Fraser Hospital.

The quadruplets were wighed at birth as 2080g for the first baby, 1800g for the second, 1800g for the third and 1200g for the fourth. The mother and all the babies are doing well save for the fourth one since is admitted in nursery due to low birth weight with mild respiratory distress on nasal prongs.

Dr Ramathuba has once again called on pregnant women to prioritize their ante natal consultation when pregnant in order to reduce any suprise risks during child birth. She has also commended the midwife and her staff for the sterling job. “Looking at the complexity of the process they underwent in order to deliver these children, we are really proud of their dedication. Also, the fact that the nurses had knocked off but had to go back to be on duty just to assist this one pregnant woman also need to be commended. Contrary to the populirised narration, our nurses aren’t all heartless,” said MEC.

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