The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has noted the outcomes of the sitting of the
National Assembly of Parliament, regarding the report by the Section 89 Independent
Panel on the criminality which occurred on Phala Phala Farm.
The ruling party which is the ANC, has once again chosen to use its majority in
Parliament to defend corruption and stifle accountability, oversight and transparency.
The diabolical decision of the majority of Members of Parliament who belong to the
ANC, to vote against an impeachment inquiry reveals a deep-seated disrespect for
the Constitution of South Africa by the so-called former liberation movement.
It is patently clear that the ruling party has learnt nothing from the mistakes it has made
in the past, and South Africa must know that it is an organisation characterised by
unrepentant arrogance in their corruption and constitutional delinquency. The enemies
of the rule of law and the Constitution are those who claim to have liberated South
Africa, and the supposed architect of the Constitution has resolved to undermine
everything it stands for.
The EFF commends all opposition parties who voted in defence of the Constitution,
against the rampant criminality of an organised criminal network controlled by
Ramaphosa. We especially commend those members of the ruling party who chose
to vote with their conscience in the face of threats to their livelihoods and membership
in their organisation.
The decision to decline a secret ballot while Members of Parliament have been
threatened with expulsion if they do not vote in a particular manner by the ruling party,
remains irrational, factional and partisan. To make matters worse, the Speaker of the
National Assembly refused to grant a secret ballot even though some Members of
Parliament received death threats on the eve of the sitting.
In light of the various breaches of the Constitution and undermining of the integrity of
the process of voting on whether to adopt the report, the EFF intends to take the
decision to reject the report in Parliament on judicial review on an urgent basis.
We cannot sit by while a partisan Speaker of the National Assembly is complicit in the
intimidation of Members of Parliament and undermines the ability of Members to vote
in accordance with the oath of office they have taken. The process was flawed and
characterised by fear and imposition of what direction Members of Parliament must
vote in.
The proceedings of today in Parliament were the beginning of a war in defence of
constitutionalism and the rule of law. Ramaphosa will not survive Phala Phala Farm,
and his legacy will be that he undermine the rule of law in South Africa. He will never
know peace and his best course of action remains immediate resignation, because
the EFF will ensure he leaves the office of the President of South Africa disgraced,
exposed and without a cent.