The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Limpopo notes with utter disgust the closure
of a Post Office at Ga-Nchabeleng village, in Apel by an ANC Ward 36 Cllr Matilda
Tlape who locked the facility and took away the keys with her since April 2021 to date.
Despite numerous attempts by the Ga-Nchabeleng Traditional Authority to recover the
keys, Tlape is adamant and hell-bent on bringing the Postal services to an abrupt halt
permanently, thus impinging on service delivery. Her obsession and entitlement to the
position of administrator at the Post Office is mind blogging and thick-headed.
Postal services have been severely interrupted, this includes the SASSA pay point
services as old age grant beneficiaries cannot access the Post Office which was used
as a pay point and as a result pensioners are forced to walk more than 7 kilometres to
the nearby shopping complex so that they can withdraw their grant payments on a
monthly basis.
The Department Social Development and Provincial Post Office management are
aware of the debacle but intervention is not forthcoming, even though the anomaly
persists for more than a year. The facility is currently under attack by criminals who
are vandalising it and stealing electricity cables from it. The ANC is also complicit in
this, why has the party failed to provide leadership in this situation affecting the lives
of ordinary citizens?
The ruling party is evidently a recipe for disaster and doesn’t deserve to be running
government because it is no longer serving as an instrument for social change and
development. The people of Ga-Nchabeleng can attest to this, as they are suffering to
the extreme under the ANC government.
The Department Social Development and Post Office have exhibited negligence,
weakness and mediocrity in providing services to the residents of Ga-Nchabeleng.
Following the EFF’s oversight visit to the area today, 07 November 2022, we can
safely confirm the appalling disparities in Ga-Nchabeleng, residents are on their own.
The Ga-Nchabeleng Health Centre which was initially designed as a hospital is
constrained and under resourced, shortage of medication is a constant feature at the
facility leading to people being turned away without treatment. The facility only has
two ambulances, of which the ambulances were borrowed from Mecklenburg Hospital.
It is now in the public domain that quality basic service delivery remains a fantasy in
Ga-Nchabeleng. The EFF calls for a speedy intervention by the relevant departments.
We demand the immediate reopening of the Post Office, secondly the department of
Health must provide ambulances and medication to the above mentioned health