the South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) has expelled its chairperson, former president Jacob Zuma on Friday.

The Provincial Conference of Sanco KZN, which took place on 19 November 2023, elected Gedleyehlekisa Nxamala Msholozi Zuma in absentia to be the provincial chairperson of Sanco KZN, among other leaders.

Sanco Provincial Secretary Sizwe Cele said that ever since Zuma was elected into office, he had not attended a single meeting of Sanco. The expulsion has got nothing to do with him campaigning for MK Party. Cele said that while being interviewed this morning kha “Ndevhetsini” on Phalaphala FM.

Cele further indicated that Sanco’s constitution clause 35 (c), which deals with the meetings of the provincial office bearers, states that if a provincial office bearer fails to attend a committee meeting, they must provide a written apology or explanation to the office of the provincial secretary before the meeting. If they fail to do so, it will be considered misconduct.

“Should a member fail to attend three (3) consecutive committee meetings without sound reasons, such a member shall be deemed to have absconded and will be notified in writing within 7 days of non-attendance of the past meeting”, reads the clause. “The member should be replaced in the next PEC (or special PEC) meeting,” the clause further states.

“Cde Zuma has violated the above clause of the constitution; this is to say, he has not attended the last three provincial office bearers meetings, and he has not submitted any written or even verbal apology for that matter to the Provincial Secretary,” said Cele, explaining Zuma’s expulsion.

Therefore, the PEC of KZN was left with no other option but to consider Cde Zuma’s behaviour as misconduct, and such misconduct is classified as abscondment from the office, consequently the PEC resolved to remove him from the office of the provincial chairperson of Sanco KZN with immediate effect.

Msholozi is not expected to respond as he has never communicates with Sanco since he was elected as Chairperson and Sanco can’t continue to be chairpersonless.

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