NORTHERN CAPE – Beaula Maruza (41) who was arrested during a multi-disciplinary operation on Wednesday, 06 December 2023 for trafficking in persons’ allegations was denied bail today by Kimberley Magistrates Court.

The two Zimbabwean nationals were seen boarding a bus in Midrand with (14) undocumented kids aged between 6 and 14 years, (8) boys and (6) girls.

Police were alerted to the incident by a vigilant passenger in a bus from Midrand in Johannesburg en-route to Cape Town. The bus made a stopover in Kimberley, the passenger called an off duty police officer who in turn alerted the multi-disciplinary team for investigation and arrest. The suspects claimed to be taking the kids to their parents in Cape Town, information police could not verify leading to the arrest. The victims (kids) were inspected and looked dirty without any additional clothes nor bags, and looked hungry. Provincial Trafficking in Persons rapid response team lead by Department of Social Development was contacted to assist with placing the kids at a place of safety and providing food.

Her co-accused Tafadzwa Otis Nadakurwa (46) has since been released on bail and they are expected to back in Court on Monday, 12 February 2024.

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