GAUTENG – Three of the five Consultmet directors who were sought by the Serious Corruption Investigation of the Hawks were arrested after they presented themselves yesterday, 11 December 2023.  The trio, Molojwa Keikelame (46), Gavin Boyle (53) and Terrence Lahee (53) subsequently appeared in the Johannesburg Specialised Commercial crimes court sitting in Palm Ridge yesterday for an urgent bail application.

The trio’s arrests are subsequent to a thorough investigation by the team on allegation of fraud and contravention of the companies Act.

During September 2022, the complainant entered into a contract with one of the suspects who is a director of the Consulmet to build a coal wash plant amounting to R55 million.  The complainant paid several instalments amounting to over R39 million but the suspects had not started nor keeping up with their end of the bargain.

That’s when the complainant approached the Serious Corruption Investigation team in Gauteng. The team proceeded to engage the suspects through investigation and ultimately secured warrants of arrests. When the team arrived at Consulmet to execute the warrants, none of the suspects was on the premises. The search continues for the other two suspects.

The trio’s bail bid continues again this morning in the Specialised Commercial Crimes Court in Palm Ridge after the urgent bail application was rolled over.

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