Nkakareng Rakgoale has unveiled plant equipment and light delivery vehicles

Limpopo MEC for Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure Mme. Nkakareng Rakgoale has unveiled plant equipment and light delivery vehicles aimed at accelerating service delivery in the province. The yellow fleet that consists of 25 graders, one excavator and 17 light delivery vehicles will replace the aged plant equipment in 36 cost centers of the department. She was joined by a team of senior managers, as led by the Acting HOD Daddy Phukuntsi.

MEC Nkakareng Rakgoale says the department is determined to ensure that there is improved service delivery, particularly on maintenance of roads infrastructure.

“This is about showcasing service delivery. Service to who – to our people and the economy of our province. These vehicles are important instruments in the hands of government to improve the lives of our people. We know for a fact government will be criticised and fail if these important assets are not well looked after and do not serve the intended purpose. Well maintained roads mean improving the quality of life of our people as they will access social services and participate in economic activities with ease. Life will be enhanced with safer roads, less travel and less maintenance costs for vehicle owners.” Says MEC Rakgoale.

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