1. Population
  • The population of the country increased from 51.7 million in 2011 to 62 million
    in 2022, an increase of 1.8% between the two periods. There are 51.50% of
    females and 48.49% of males.
  • Black Africans = 81.4%
  • Coloureds = 8.2%
  • Whites = 7.3%
  • Indians/Asians = 2.7%
    There has been a decrease in the white population in the country from 11% in 1996
    to 7.3% in 2022. That is 4.5 million white South Africans.
    Gauteng remains the most populated province with 15 million people and the
    Northern Cape with the least number of people at 1.3 million.
    There are five provinces that continue to gain inter-provincial migration which are
    Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal, Western Cape, Mpumalanga, and Mpumalanga.
  1. Households in South Africa
    2.1The number of households increased to 17.8 million in 2022, from 14.4 million in
    Province Households/ millions Percentage %
    Gauteng 5.3 29.8
    KwaZulu-Natal 2.85 16.0
    Western Cape 2.26 12.7
    Eastern Cape 1.83 10.3
    Limpopo 1.81 10.2
    Mpumalanga 1.42 8.0
    North West 1.14 6.4
    Free State 845 250 4.7
    Northern Cape 333 553 1.9
    Almost half (49,6%) of the households in South Africa were headed by females.
    Female-headed households were most common in KwaZulu-Natal (53,1%) and
    Eastern Cape (51,9%), and least common in North West (46,3%) and Mpumalanga
    At least 55 000 people were recorded to be homeless in the country
    2.2Access to Water in Households
  • Over 80% of households had access to piped water.
  • Still 8.9% of households without piped water
  • Limpopo and Eastern Cape make a huge chunk of households without
    access to piped water at 20.5% and 19.5% respectively.
    2.3Access to flush toilets
  • 70.8% of households had access to flush toilets
  • 21.9% of households use pit latrines
  • 2.1% still uses the bucket toilet system
  • Western Cape (93.9%) and Gauteng (89.7%) had highest levels of access
    to flush toilets
    2.4Refuse Collection
  • 66.3% of households had refuse collected regularly
  • Western Cape and Gauteng had the highest number of households where
    refuse is collected regularly
  • Limpopo reported the lowest households whose refuse is collected
  • More than 94.7% of households had access to electricity, which is an
    increase from 58% in 1996.
  • Western Cape (96.5%), KwaZulu-Natal (96.7%)and Limpopo (95.5%) all
    had slightly higher proportions of electricity than the national average of
  1. Inter-Provincial Migration
  • Gauteng province remains the destination of choice for a third of the migrants
  • Western is the most preferred destination for inter-provincial migrants at 15%
  • Limpopo, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, and Free State experience a higher
    outflow of people
  1. International Migrants
  • According to Statistics South Africa Census 2022, there are 2.4 million
    international migrants in the country which is 3% of the population.
  • The top five sending countries were Zimbabwe (45.5%), Mozambique
    (18.7%), Lesotho (10.2%), Malawi (8.3%) and United Kingdom (2.5%)
  • The makeup of the entire migration is as follows
  1. Language Groups in South Africa
  • IsiZulu remains the most spoken language in the households at 24.4%
    followed by isiXhosa at 16.3%, Afrikaans (10.6%).
    Statistics South Africa – Census 2022 Results
    This fact sheet was compiled by Specialist Researchers, MASWELE RALEBONA
    079 501 5640 and VELEMSENI MTHIYANE 063 284 3438

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