In light of today’s events we can confirm the following as this is still am ongoing investigation

No tiger has been seen by the Edenvale SPCA staff and no confirmation has been received that she is safe or alive.

No confirmation or proof has been handed over to the Edenvale SPCA by SOS security yet they have made statements on their social media platforms that she has been captured and relocated.

SOS security are the only organization that has confirmed the tigers capture and relocation but failed to hand over this information to the Edenvale SPCA

SOS security are not permitted, equipped, trained or experienced to handle wildlife yet they have stated they have captured her and moved her.

SOS security refused Inspector Mokalapa entry into a home where we suspected she was being kept but only allowed Udo entry into the home.

Multiple animals were seen in the home of the alleged “owner” but no confirmation can be given as to whether it is the owner of the tiger

SOS security personnel (owners and staff) threatened Inspector Hope and Udo with legal action

Several members of the public have come forward with very concerning information about SOS Security but will not give their details out of fear as it’s alleged their lives have been threatened

SOS security gave the Edenvale SPCA the run around and false sighting information which we believe was a tactic to drive our attention away from where she really was so she could be moved. Therefore, obstructed our investigation

SOS security has commented on our page stating she is safe and “the Edenvale SPCA don’t need to know where she is “

Our questions are, who is protecting who here ?

We are the legal animal welfare organisation yet a security company took control of the situation and sent us to wrong locations ? why?

Why does SOS Security feel the need to threaten our staff if they have nothing to hide?

What legal power do they have to move a wild endangered species ? The SPCA has to obtain permits for relocation prior to moving an animal yet, SOS security moved a tiger with no permits and continues to withhold information? Why ?

Why are we as the Edenvale SPCA not permitted to know for the sake of this animals welfare as well as the safety of our public whom we serve? The same public SOS Security claims to serve and protect ?

There are 100s of stories going around about this tiger and very concerning information along with these stories.

We will not confirm that this tiger is safe, alive or at a place of safety until we have the facts. No other media release will be made until we have all the facts.

It concerns us that SOS security were quick to publish their story- we assume in hopes that this matter would be closed and forgotten about but we are here to remind them that the Edenvale SPCA work with evidence on a daily basis and we will never release a story without giving the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We are in contact with our legal teams and private sources to make sure that the real story is published.

We can assure our community that we will not leave matters there.

This matter will be investigated and an update will be given to our community.

This tiger deserves nothing less.

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