Yesterday as of 18:00 the death toll was at 10 people and now we are sitting at 15 people as of this morning.

Briefing with the Minister of Health Dr Joe Phaahla and Gauteng MEC for Health and Wellness Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko at Tambo Memorial Hospital

General Remarks:

  • Thirty-seven (37) people including 24 patients and 13 staff members who were situated in the hospital’s A&E at the time of the explosion sustained severe burns and have been diverted to neighbouring hospitals.
  • Yesterday as of 18:00 the death toll was at 10 people and now we are sitting at 15 people as of this morning.
  • We send our deepest condolences for the families that lost their loved ones.
  • We wish a speedy recovery to those that are recuperating in hospital.

Employee Update:

  • So far 13 Staff members are suffered injuries.
  • This matter will be followed up by the Clinical Management and Employee Health Wellness Unit to determine injuries that occurred due to broken windows.
  • Sadly three of the staff injured staff members have passed on. (A driver and two enrolled nurses who got severe burns)

Patients Update:

  • The severed staff injuries in the hospital affected people who were in the parking and members of the public outside.
  • As of Saturday night at 18:00 the number of patients admitted in the facility is 321.
  • No new patients have been admitted since then.
  • The facility is on divert meaning that we are not taking patients. We are sending people to other facilities nearby.
  • The visit to the facility is suspended until further notice. We appeal for patience from the family members. People can call …. to check the status of their loved ones.

Structural Damage to the Hospital:

  • Major structural damage was at the Accident and Emergency Unit and X ray Departments where server damage occurred. The roof was damaged, ceilings fell, widow broken, and other equipment damaged.
  • Most of the minor structural damages were in the form of breaking of windows; ceilings fell off. In most of the floors where the windows were broken, it was observed that there was blood on the floor possibly of injured staff and or patients.
  • The Casualty and Radiology Departments are not accessible until structural engineers have done their work
  • Prohibition Notice was issued by the Department of Labour
  • Structural Engineers are currently at work: Department of Infrastructure Development has send structural engineers to establish the state of safety of the building
  • Still need to access which equipment still works
  • By end of next week there will be a high level report covering various areas to give a sense what is the state of the hospital and what kind of work will need to the done to get the facilities on track.

Three focus areas for infrustructure:

  • Maintenance work – glasses, the doors, lighting, electrical cables etc
  • Capital work – emergency work (roof and ceiling)
  • Medical equipment – A team will be send to asses the status of our health technology equipment in the facility so that we know what is the state of functionality and what it will take to fix or replace the affected machines.

What services are still being provided in the hospital?

  • All other services are still continuing in the hospital. Of course we are not as yet taking new patients.

Civil Soceity Support:

  • There has been a lot of support form Civil Soceity, NGOs, businesses and all the three sleeves of government
  • Water and basic consumables are available thanks to the generosity.
  • Messages of support have been pouring on from all quarters.

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