DA welcomes arrest of VBS scammers from Elias Mostoaledi municipality.

The DA in Limpopo welcomes the arrests by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (HAWKS) of the former Municipal manager and Mayor of Elias Mostoaledi Municipality.

This follows after the municipality lost millions following illegal investments with the now defunct VBS Bank during the tenure of the two officials.

The duo will face various charges including contravention of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA).

The DA laid criminal charges way back in October 2018 against the 50 individuals named in “The Great Bank Heist” report, who allegedly looted the bank and illegally invested municipal funds for their own financial gains.

The corruption and maladministration that led to this type of prohibited investment has left the municipality in dire financial distress and put severe strain on its ability to deliver services to communities.

The residents suffer as a result of lack of infrastructure maintenance, particularly roads and water delivery.

While several officials have been arrested, many more individuals that are involved directly or indirectly are yet to face consequences for their role.

The DA is therefore looking forward to more arrests linked to the VBS scandal and will not rest until all those implicated are brought to book.

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