LUTENDO LIVHEBE – MUDAU. The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Limpopo notes the underwhelming and
disappointing Mid-Term Budget Policy Statement as Limpopo government fails to
spend R74.2 billion in the 2022/23 financial year.
It is a cause for concern that the ANC led government has forsaken the needs of the
people who voted for it as the party continues to disregard providing basic service
delivery to the impoverished, jobless and marginalised residents of Limpopo.
Irrational and unjustified return of unspent budgets to Treasury by provincial
department of Health, Roads Agency Limpopo, Limpopo Gambling Board and
Limpopo Tourism Agency is indicative of poor controls, lack of political leadership and
poor governance.
Today, the 17th of November 2022 Limpopo Treasury MEC Seaparo Sekwati
delivered a useless and baseless Mid-Term Budget Policy Statement and Adjustment
Appropriation Bill, which lacked practical commitments to turn things around in
government departments and entities that continuously fail to spend allocated
budgets. There was no consequence management, corrective measures or valid
reasons for the unspent funds.
This budget does not promise any creation of sustainable jobs, economic development
that will see basic infrastructure restored and extended in many communities.
It is sad that Limpopo government is on auto pilot and as a result accountability takes
a back seat necessarily because Premier Stan Mathabatha is no longer serving the
people of Limpopo with keen interest and dedication, his primary focus is on securing

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