The Limpopo Executive Council (EXCO) met in its regular monthly meeting on 19 October 2022.
EXCO welcomed three new Members of Executive Council (MCEs), who attended the meeting
for the first time after they were sworn-in at the beginning of October 2022. They are: Ms. Nakedi
Sibanda-Kekana for Sport, Arts and Culture, Ms. Florence Radzilani for Transport and Community
Safety, and Mr. Rodgers Monama for Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and
- Quality Audit Outcomes
EXCO welcomed the Audit Outcomes Report as presented by the Auditor-General, Ms. Tsakani
Maluleke for the financial year 2021-2022. The AG presented what she referred to as improved
Quality Audit Results for the provincial government. Limpopo received four(4) clean audit opinion,
twelve (12) unqualified audit opinion, and three (3) qualified audit opinion; without any department
or entity receiving a disclaimer.
The Auditor-General Ms. Tsakani Maluleke said: “We urge the province to continue in this
trajectory, it shows that you are working within a culture and tone that drives improvement and a
culture that does not tolerate irregular expenditure.”
The AG also noted that the province has seen a significant drop in irregular expenditure from the
previous financial years. She said irregular expenditure has now only been experienced in few
departments and entity; that is: Education, Road Agency Limpopo (RAL) and Public Works,
Roads and Infrastructure. What the AGSA office was pleased about is that there is a significant
drop in irregular expenditure at RAL wherein the agency has introduced internal control measures.
AG also applauded the province for sound financial health. However, she encouraged the EXCO
to look into entities that are required to generate income to be encouraged to do so to improve
the financial health of the province.
For overall effectiveness of the provincial administration, the AG encouraged coordinating
departments like Office of the Premier, Provincial Treasury and COGHSTA to push for capacity,
capability and accountability in other departments; especially in areas that related to planning,
monitoring and evaluation.
There is further need to strengthen coordination in relation to infrastructure provisioning to
encourage spending, AG said. There was need to further look into health on matters of contigent
liabilities, especially medico-legal matters.
EXCO expressed satisfaction with this recorded overall performance, it noted with happiness that
Limpopo fiscus remains stable even when the challenge remains medico-legal spending at the
Department of Health. On consequence management, EXCO welcomed the report by the AG that
there was overall improvement in Limpopo and that it shall continue to work on this so that internal
controls are brought to balance overall outlook of the province.
EXCO reiterated its decision that public entities, particularly Limpopo Economic Development
Agency, must move with speed to implement a turn-around strategy to ensure financial
The Executive Council directed that all MECs, HODs and CFOs, must expedite the
implementation of Departmental Audit Action Plans with a view of attaining clean audits. Provincial
Treasury will support departments which are still lagging behind to clear their irregular
expenditure, by putting necessary systems and controls. - Infrastructure Spending and Service Delivery
The Executive Council has noted that, the provincial government has recorded significant
improvement on its spending patterns on a year-to-year basis to date. In terms of the comparative
half yearly assessment of the three previous financial years the recorded improvement was 202-
2021 (19%), 2021-2022 (21%), and 2022-2023 (37%). EXCO is also pleased that the service
delivery environment is stable, paving way for post Covid-19 socio-economic recovery. - Employment Equity Targets
The Executive Council reflected on compliance to the Employment Equity Targets in the provincial
administration. It noted that there was slow movement in some departments to achieve the
targets. Therefore, EXCO ordered that urgent attention must be given to this matter as
empowerment of designated groups remains a strategic priority of government. - Other Matters
The Executive Council approved the proposed framework for the Mapungubwe Arts and culture
Festival scheduled to take place during December 2022. EXCO also noted the report on Learner
Performance Intervention Plan aimed at supporting Grade 12 learners to improve on their results.