Premier Dr Ramathuba wishes ZCC Pilgrimages a successful New Year’s celebration.

Premier Dr Ramathuba wishes ZCC Pilgrimages a successful New Year’s celebration.

Limpopo Premier Dr Phophi Ramathuba wishes the leadership and the congregants of the Zion Christian Church (ZCC) a successful New Year’s celebrations. This is as thousands of pilgrimages will be converging to the church’s headquarters in Boyne, Moria at the outskirts of Polokwane, this weekend of 30 August 2024.

After closing its doors because of the eruption of the novel Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the ZCC has finally opened its doors to its membership, ahead of its New Year’s celebrations.

This systematic opening of the church will see a fraction of its membership converging at Moria. The Premier, Dr Ramathuba wishes the church a successful period of jubilation.

“The ZCC is an integral stakeholder of our communities, which continues to provide spiritual counsel to both Government and the broader society. Its leader, His Grace The Right Reverend, Dr. B.E. Lekganyane has demonstrated an unmatched level of support to help the government to cushion the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Premier Dr Ramathuba.

Premier Dr Ramathuba further said: “In the visit shortly after our administration was sworn in, we committed to continue supporting activities of the church as it plays an integral part of building our society and spiritually nurturing us. We wish all the congregants a safer journey as they travel to Moria and would like to urge all road-users to ‘arrive alive’ during this period.”

The Provincial Government has activated all its ancillary services that will be required during this period.

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