The Skukuza Regional Court has today sentenced three poachers to a combined 104 years of direct imprisonment, for poaching-related offences committed on two separate occasions. Dominic Mnisi (36), Ayanda Ngomane (31), and Lwazi Malambe (31) were convicted on 14 counts including trespassing in the Park, three counts of killing rhinos, possession of an unlicensed firearm, conspiracy to commit an offence, possession of a firearm to commit a crime, possession of 6 live ammunition and possession of a firearm with a serial number obliterated.

On 31 December 2017, rangers were patrolling around Stolzneck Section, when they heard a gunshot and went to investigate. They found two backpacks with rhino horns and a firearm. They followed footprints and found two freshly killed rhinos. They continued the search until they apprehended Mnisi and Malambe. The two were arrested and granted bail.

On a second occasion, on 25 October 2019, rangers around the Malelane Section of the Skukuza National Park heard a gunshot and utilised a chopper to search for the suspect They found a freshly killed rhino with its horns removed, next to the carcass they found a jacket. The rangers found Mnisi and Ngomane in possession of a firearm and rhino horns.
During the trial prosecutor Lot Mgiba led evidence of the bullet found in the carcass which showed that it was fired from the rifle found in the accused’s possession. Evidence of the DNA found in the jacket confirmed that it was that of a killed rhino. A ballistic report proving that the bullet found in the carcasses was fired from the firearm found in the accused’s possession.
The court took into consideration the evidence placed before it and the role each accused played when committing the offence. Mnisi was sentenced to 50 years direct imprisonment, Ngomane was sentenced to 21 years direct imprisonment and Malambe got 33 years direct imprisonment. The court declared the trio unfit to possess firearms.
The National Prosecuting Authority welcomes the sentence. Poaching contributes to extinction and systematic loss of biodiversity.

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