The Pretoria High Court found Raymond Mkanzi (28), from Pienaarspoort guilty of rape, kidnapping, assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm, sexual assault, and premeditated murder of Dean Phillip Brendon Sampson, as well as three counts of assault by threat. On 15 October 2019, Mkanzi asked his neighbour, a 32-year-old woman to accompany him to his sister’s place of residence in East Lynne, to fetch money that he owed her. The complainant asked her 33-year-old female friend to accompany her and the three got on a train from Silverton, train station to East Lynne. When they arrived at Eersterust, Mkanzi took both complainants to a nearby veld, alleging that it was a shorter route to his sister’s house. While walking through the veld, Mkazni robbed both complainants of their belongings, hit the 33-year-old complainant with a brick on her head and sexually assaulted her.

After that, he proceeded to rape the 32-year-old complainant. The following morning, both complainants ran away and went to the police station to open a case against him. Mkanzi was arrested and released from police custody on 21 October 2019. After the incident, the community members burnt his shack

On 01 November 2019, Mkanzi contacted the community leader to inform him that if the deal of rebuilding his shack that was burnt by the community after the rape case was reported was not met, he would kill him and the two complainants. Four days later after the treat, the 32-year-old complainant found a package containing fingers, an ear and a note at her doorstep asking her to meet with him. On the same morning, another community member found a package containing a human hand folded in a fist and a note on their doorstep. The two reported the matter to the community who then set a trap for Mkanzi.

On 08 November 2019, the community actioned the trap where the 32-year-old called Mkanzi and lured him to meet up with her at Silverton train station on his arrival, community members apprehended him, and rearrested by police and has been in custody since.

In court Mfanzi pleaded not guilty and denied committing the offences, instead, he said, he was kidnapped by the 32-year-old complainant and was forced to cut off the deceased body parts and construct a note. However, state prosecutor advocate Thembile Nyamkama called witnesses and adduced evidence that proved that indeed Mkanzi committed the offences. Acting Judge Madiba agreed with the state and rejected Mfanzi’s version and found that the state was able to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. The case has been postponed to 30 September 2024 for sentencing.

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