Last Friday, the Mpumalanga Division of the High Court sentenced two notorious gang members to various heavy sentences for violent crimes they committed in Marite in the district of Bushbuckridge. Sikhumbuzo Mpangane (36) was sentenced to 5 life terms and 47 years imprisonment while his co-accused, Bonginkosi Shakoane (24) was sentenced to 4 life terms and an additional 23-year imprisonment. The two were convicted of multiple counts of murder, attempted murder, assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, arson, kidnapping, housebreaking, possession of an unlicensed firearm and possession of ammunition.

The court heard that during the period between December 2020 to 16 June 2021, Mpangane and Shakoane were terrorising and killing close family members of a former gang member, Johan Ndlovu in Madras Trust, Marite Trust and Mandela Village in the district of Bushbuckridge in a quest to exert pressure on Johan Ndlovu to emerge from his hiding place. On the evening of 26 December 2020, the two accused fatally shot Yandile Selemela in a local tavern who was a relative of a former gang member. Moreover, on 15 June 2021 the accused went to the victim’s house and introduced themselves as police officers in Nkanini.

They forced the door to open carrying firearms and assaulted the occupants demanding to know Johan Ndlovu’s hiding place. They shot and killed four victims and two managed to escape unscathed. They further burned the house with the deceased bodies inside. During a marathon trial, the accused pleaded not guilty to the crimes. State Advocate Zwelethu Mata led testimonies of various witnesses including the evidence of the surviving victims. Photo album of the deceased victims was presented in court including postmortem reports confirming that the deceased died of gunshot wounds.

Arguing for the court to impose a suitable sentence State Advocate Mata, highlighted the need for a clear message to be sent by the court on such cases to fight the scourge. He said every space the accused entered turned into a warzone and guns were blazing therefore the accused must be removed from society. Judge Greyling Coetzer found no reasons justifying deviation from the prescribed minimum sentence. She sentenced the accused accordingly. The court further declared them unfit to possess firearms.

The National Prosecuting Authority welcomes the sentence and commends the prosecutor, the investigating team and the witnesses for the meticulous collection and presentation of evidence which led to the conviction and sentence of the accused.

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