Premier Dr Phophi Ramathuba and Executive Council Visit ZCC Churches in Moria

Premier Dr Phophi Ramathuba and Executive Council Visit ZCC Churches in Moria

In an unprecedented move showcasing unity and collaboration, the Premier of Limpopo, Dr Phophi Ramathuba, accompanied by the newly appointed Members of the Executive Council, recently visited the Zion Christian Churches (ZCC) in Moria. These visits, which took place on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, to the St Engenas ZCC of Right Reverend Bishop Dr Engenas Lekganyane and on Friday, June 28, 2024, to the ZCC of Right Reverend Dr Barnabas Lekganyane, symbolised a significant gesture of respect and partnership.

During the visits, the provincial leaders were warmly welcomed by both Bishops, who expressed their commitment to fostering a consistent working relationship with the provincial government.

Premier Dr Ramathuba stated, “We came to convey our message of appreciation as the government for the support that you have provided. We thank you for the overwhelming support that Limpopo, the home of ZCC, has shown in the recent past.”

“As the Provincial Government, we believe in transparency and unity. We have constituted the Executive Council, and we are here today to introduce ourselves as a collective team dedicated to advancing Limpopo. We value the support you have shown us and want to ensure that our partnership continues to flourish,” added Dr Ramathuba.

Furthermore, the Premier emphasised the importance of acknowledging God and seeking divine guidance in the challenging journey ahead. Drawing parallels to the leadership of Moses, she highlighted the need for prayers and spiritual support for the Executive Council as they embark on their responsibilities.

Dr Ramathuba also commended the ZCC for their unwavering commitment to community welfare, citing their collaborative efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic, road safety initiatives, educational support, and crime prevention programmes. She expressed the government’s eagerness to continue working hand in hand with the church to address societal challenges and promote moral values.

The visit to the ZCC churches underscored the government’s commitment to inclusivity, partnership and shared values with religious institutions in Limpopo. It serves as a testament to the importance of collaboration in building a stronger and more cohesive community.

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