The High Court of South Africa, Eastern Cape Division, Makhanda, sitting in Nxuba (formerly Cradock) sentenced Zizipho Pani (34), her husband Siyathemba James (39), her relative and hitman Sinethemba Pani (34), as well as Sizwesethu Jonas (34), to life imprisonment terms plus 15 years for their roles in the murder of the boyfriend of a woman the couple had taken out life insurance against, as well as the attempted murder of the woman. Their accomplice, Masixole Sokoyi (19), who was a minor during the commission of the offences, was sentenced to an effective 25 years imprisonment, for the murder, attempted murder and rape of the woman.

Before the commission of the offences, the couple had employed the victim who was staying on the same street as them at Lingelihle Location in the district of Nxuba. The mastermind, Zizipho Pani, acquired funeral policies on the life of the victim, respectively with Standard Bank and ABSA Bank in 2021, that would pay R200 000 upon the victim’s death. With tje promise of R50 000 bouty, she then solicited the services of the men to kill the victim, who stayed with her boyfriend at the boyfriend’s home. On the night of 10 October 2022, the men went to the home of the victims where they knocked and were permitted to enter as they were known to both of their targets. They then stabbed the couple with pangas and knives. Sokoyi raped the bleeding victim, and they left them believing they are both dead.

However, the woman managed to crawl to the neighbours and an ambulance was summoned, but her boyfriend was certified dead on the scene. She was able to tell who her attackers were. However, the assailants went on the run, and it was during that time that the Zizipho Pani and her husband took them to a Sangoma in the neighbouring town of Cookhouse. The attackers were rounded off by community members had to be rescued by the police, and subsequently arrested. One of their accomplices, who became the state witness, according to Section 204 of the Criminal Procedure Act, confessed and implicated the married couple. During the trial, all but one pleaded not guilty, necessitating that State Advocate Sibusiso Mgenge lead the evidence of the victim, who had to relive her ordeal in court. The defence attempted to discredit her as they portrayed her as a drunkard and drug addict while putting the identities of attackers in dispute.

Imposing the sentences, Judge Nozuko Mviko agreed with Advocate Mgenge’s submission that insurance payout murders are becoming out of control not only in the Eastern Cape but in the country. She noted that the courts had a duty to impose sentences that would deter other would-be perpetrators until legislation preventing people from taking insurance covers against people without their express consent is enacted.

Eastern Cape Director of Public Prosecutions Barry Madolo commended the prosecutor and the investigating officer noting that, “It can never be over-emphasised how important human life is and therefore we will be vigorous in our pursuit of these cases to serve as a deterrent to would-be murderers”.

Meanwhile, another insurance payout case against Nomaphelo Maloyi and a hitman, who are alleged to have murdered Maloyi’s uncle, is due back in the Makhanda High Court, sitting in Graaf Reinet on 08 July 2024, for closing arguments.

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