11- year-old learner stabbed to death by another learner

11- year-old learner stabbed to death by another learner

The Free State Education of Education MEC, Mr. Makalo Mohale , wishes to announce
with a heavy heart the untimely death of a 11- year- old boy -learner from WSM Malotle Primary School, Brandfort, Free State.

It is alleged that Kamogelo Leepile was stabbed 3 times by another 9 -years -old grade 4 learner from a neighbouring Monamodi Primary School, yesterday afternoon – Wednesday, 8 May 2023,
after school near their homes.

The learner died on the scene.

The suspect who according to his mother has complained of consistent bullying by the deceased and his brother was taken to the police station this morning.

Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding this. matter.

MEC Mohale has expressed shock and called on all our schools to be safe spaces for both learners and teachers.

Mohale said this sordid incident can only be described as “ abhorrent and travesty “.

“We take this time to send our heartfelt condolences to the family,friends and the school community, during this time of grief. No words are enough to express our sorrow at a loss of a child.

“We hope that the family will find comfort in the knowledge that we too share their loss.”

“We strongly condemns any acts of learner misconduct including bullying and relentlessly appeal to parents in assisting to enforce discipline in and outside schools environment,” said MEC Mohale .

This incident happened in full view of an other learners who were on their way home.

Psycho-social services have since been deployed to both schools to provide counselling.

“We cannot and will not tolerate delinquency and lawlessness in our schools. We all need to ensure that our schools are safe spaces for learning and teaching. Parents, communities and law enforcement agencies all need to play their role to ensure that together we raise caring and responsible citizens,”

Mohale urged parents and teachers through School Based Support Teams (SBTs) to be vigilant and detect any worrying signs and unbecoming behavior of learners to circumvent these kind of tragic incident to occur on our schools.

“The department will continue to work closely with police to curb learner delinquency, violence and other social ills from taking hold of our schools.”

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