UDF 40th Anniversary celebrations –

UDF 40th Anniversary celebrations –
Far -North Region

The 20th of August 2023 marked the 40th anniversary of the United Democratic From (UDF) with the national celebrations having been held in Johannesburg on 20th August.

Launched in 1983, the formation of the UDF was a response by masses of South Africa to decades of continued subjugation, bannings, torture, economic deprivation, segregation and the establishment of the tricameral parliament.

When the UDF was launched in Rocklands, Mitchell’s Plain on 20th August 1983, the Far North Region, now Vhembe, was already a politically organized area with dozens of activists already carrying out underground political work , hence a delegation was also dispatched to attend.

As was the mission of the UDF, various structures in our region mobilised and formed part of this mobilisation machinery organising workers, churches, students, youth, civic and sporting bodies.

The Far-North UDF 40TH anniversary steering committee has organised a regional celebration to be held as follows
Date : 07 October 2023
Venue : *University of Venda Auditorium
Time : 11am
It is on this day that we are inviting all citizens, workers, students, churches, youth, women, civic structures and political activists to come and celebrate, remember and honor gallant fighters of our revolution.
We will have in our midst a full house of Veterans who lead various formations which were affiliated to the UDF.

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