The African National Congress in Limpopo Province held its Provincial Executive Committee meeting on Friday , 2 June 2023, through a virtual platform.

The meeting took time to reflect on political, organisational and governance issues in the current conjuncture. Upon receiving the reports ,the PEC reflected and took the following decisions:

On Political Issues

The PEC reaffirmed the ANC as the centre of power; denouced the conduct of members and leaders who leak internal discussion of the organisation.

The PEC further called upon members and leaders of the ANC, at all levels, to decisist from public spats, leakage of organizional internal matters and attacks against each other, as it is not in the best interests of the organisation.

On Regional General Council’s

The ANC PEC noted and welcomed the report relating to Vhembe Region General Council and congratulates Cde Chauke Miyelani and Munyai Samuel on their elections as the Regional Deputy Chairperson and Deputy Secretary respectively.

The PEC further noted and approved the amended roadmap relating to Peter Mokaba RGC. The ANC Peter Mokaba RGC will now take place on the 18 June 2023

On Regional Makgotla’s

The PEC welcome and congratulations all regions for hosting successful regional makgotlas. The PEC also calls upon all regions to package its decisions, emanating from Makgotla’s, circulate it to all deployees and structures, and further track implementation progress on quaterly basis.

Pending New ANC Membership

The ANC Limpopo noted that there are approximately 18 000 applicants for membership that is pending, thus not processed by various Branch Secretaries. The PEC resolved that the Provincial Secretariat should direct all Branch Secretaries in the Province to present a list of New Membership applications to the Branch Executive Committies for processing before the end of June 2023.

The PEC further retariated that where membership is declined, reasons must be advanced to the affected applicants and further advise the applicants on their recourse to appeal such decision to the higher structure.

On Collins Chabane & Sekhukhune District Municipality

The PEC has noted that the Collins Chabane Municipality mayoral issue has been pending for an extended period and that it should be finalised as soon as possible.

The PEC further noted that the appointment of the Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality was not processed in accordance with the ANC procedure, consequently both ANC Vhembe and Sekhukhune region are directed to submit three names within two (2) weeks for Mayoral Candidate to the PEC for further processing.

Progress relating Lepelle Nkumpi Municipality

The PEC meeting noted and appreciated progress on the intervention by Cohgsta and Capricorn District Municipality in Lepelle Nkumpi Municipality and remain confident that the intervention to assist the Municipality to maintain its ability to deliver basic service to its constituency.

On Implementation of Kgalema Report

The PEC has noted the report on the practical implementation of Kgalema Motlanthe Report and is pleased with the progress. The First phase of engaging with Branch leadership, Tradional Leaders and the community n respective wards has reached its finality. The second phase of the implementation will be taking place in due course.

On ANCYL Limpopo

The ANC Limpopo PEC has accepted the call of the ANCYL that all ANC deployees in all levels ought to be subjected to Perfomance Review and that this excercise should kick start in due course.

The PEC further accepted that young people in the province should be considered in all Strategic areas of leadership and to that effect, the PEC Officials were directed to give practical effect to the inclusion of the young people in all levels of government.

On VBS Matter

The ANC Limpopo extensively discussed the matter of VBS, as per the directive of the National Working Committee.

The PEC has noted and appreciated the work done by the 9th PEC as well as the Limpopo Provincial Goverment relating to the matter.

The PEC Expressed its gratitude all all municipalities, which invoked disciplinary measures against the implicated officials who acted outside the law. The PEC also expressed its displeasure about the manner in which some of the implicated officials from various municipalities, who resigned, where given golden handshakes and how some moved from one municipality to the another, despite the cloud hanging over their heads and this was done despite millions lost without recovery.

The PEC directed all affected municipalities, which suffered the final losses as a result of the VBS investment, to consider recovery of lost monies from all implicated officials, including those who resigned.

The PEC further directed all affected or implicated leaders in all levels to voluntarily appear before the Intergrity Commission.

Incomplete Service Delivery Projects

The ANC PEC has noted multiple incomplete and abandoned projects within various municipalities across the Province. These incomplete and abandoned projects have negative impact on the government’s ability to deliver services to the people of Limpopo and consequently the PEC directed both Municipalities and Provincial Government to consider blacklisting all contractors or service providers who abandoned projects, with Treasury. This decision should be applied on case by case basis.

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