LIMPOPO – The Hawks’ Serious Commercial Crime Investigation in collaboration with National Credit Regulator conducted a search and seizure operation at Mbhazima Cash Loans in Elim outside Makhado on 23 May 2023.

After receiving several complaints about an unregistered micro cash loan business operating in Elim, a search and seizure warrant was applied and granted.

The Hawks conducted its investigations and it was revealed that the business was operating without a licence while charging exorbitant interests. Furthermore, it was discovered that when the clients come to borrow money, their documents such as South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) cards, bank cards and identity documents would be confiscated in order to secure repayment.

When the team arrived at the business offices, they found workers busy lending money to the people and confiscating their documents. During the raid, the team seized the following items:

47 SASSA cards, 8 Easypay green cards, 7 Classic Sure cards, 72 miscellaneous bank cards, 389 identity documents, 5 disability agreement files, 21 old age files, 18 child support grant agreement files, 33 workers agreement files, 1 cash loan register and 1 NuPay speed point.

No one was arrested during the operation as the owner of the business was not found, however she is being traced.

The Provincial Head of the Hawks in Limpopo, Major General Gopz Govender has expressed his gratitude to the team for the job well done.” As the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, we are determined to deal with all law breakers including those who are stealing from the poorest of the poor”. Said Major General Govender.

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