Premier Mathabatha Meeting with the High Commissioner of Ghana Mr. Charles Asuako Owiredu

Premier Mathabatha Meeting with the High Commissioner of Ghana Mr. Charles Asuako Owiredu

Today, the Premier of Limpopo, Mr Chupu Stanley Mathabatha, welcomed the High Commissioner of Ghana to South Africa, Mr Charles Asuako Owiredu, to Limpopo. This was Mr Owiredu’s first visit to Limpopo since he became the High Commissioner two years ago.

During their meeting, Premier Mathabatha highlighted the ample opportunities in the Limpopo Province that are open to be explored, especially in mining and agriculture. “We pride ourselves with our mining deposits. Everything that is mined in South Africa you find it here in Limpopo. We have diamonds, gold, chrome, and other minerals. It is Limpopo and Zimbabwe that possess the biggest deposit of platinum in the world,” said Premier Mathabatha.

Mr Owiredu expressed their interest in initiating a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Limpopo on areas that are common to each country. “We want to initiate an MOU with Limpopo Province. We are fully aware that there are generic MOUs that are signed country to country. We want to do it directly with Limpopo because the two main things that they do here, mining and agriculture, are also what we are doing in Ghana, and we believe that there will be a mutually beneficial relationship.”

The Ghana delegation will also visit various areas in Polokwane, meet with the Vice-Chancellor of University of Limpopo, and travel to Venda to meet Madzivhandila Royal Family. The institution of traditional leadership is held high in Ghana, which is why the delegation sees the need to follow up on an earlier interaction with the Madzivhandila Royal Family.

The Ghana delegation will also partake in exploring the third pillar of Limpopo Development Plan, tourism by touring the Kruger National Park.

The visit by the High Commissioner of Ghana is part of a series of meetings that the Limpopo Provincial Government has been hosting over the past month with various delegations from SADC and the rest of the African continent. The aim is to strengthen economic relationships and work towards economic recovery and growth after COVID-19.

“We believe that by strengthening our relationships with other countries, we can build a better economic future for Limpopo and the continent as a whole,” concluded Premier Mathabatha.

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