Six coal-fired power stations performing at 70% EAF for the first time since 8 May

Six coal-fired power stations performing at 70% EAF for the first time since 8 May
Thursday, 16 March 2023: There has been notable gradual improvements in Eskom’s
power generation fleet. Over the past week, six coal-fired power stations achieved energy
availability factor (EAF) of 70%, a milestone last achieved on 08 May 2022.
Three of these power stations, Camden, Duvha and Matla, have been on a sustained
upward trend as a result of a reduction of plant breakdowns and the return to service of a
number of units that were on unplanned breakdowns. Lethabo, Matimba and Medupi have
been experiencing continued good performance and remain among Eskom’s three best
performing stations. In addition, Lethabo was able to sustain performance after a quick
recovery following a wet coal incident experienced last week, due to flooding after excessive
“While this is still early progress, it shows a positive trajectory from actions taken to recover
Eskom generation plants. This is consistent with Eskom’s target to achieve 70% EAF by
2025 financial year,” said Eskom’s Acting Group Chief Executive, Calib Cassim.
Eskom Board Chairperson, Mpho Makwana, said: “The marked improvement in
performance at Camden, Duvha and Matla as well as the sustained commendable
performance at Lethabo, Matimba and Medupi gives assurance that if we continue to apply
an all-hands-on-deck-approach we will continue to improve the energy availability”
“I specifically commend the various teams at these power stations for the great work and
also applaud all the Eskom employees for their continued hard work and dedication,” added
The organisation continues to pursue the generation recovery programmes to recover
operations and achieve sustained improvements in generation performance.

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