Statement by Njabulo Nzuza on the story published by Independent Media Group on its various platforms that alleges that I am involved in an alleged rape scandal.

Statement by Njabulo Nzuza on the story published by Independent Media Group on its various platforms that alleges that I am involved in an alleged rape scandal.

05 March 2023

I am disturbed by the allegations made against me by the Independent Media Group on its various platforms.

I wish to categorically state that I have never been party to any rape or abuse of women. As stated by the Spokesperson of the South African Police Services (SAPS), Brig. Athlenda Mathe, the SAPS did not find any evidence pointing to an incident of rape or kidnapping following a preliminary investigation and were never prevented from entering the premises on the said day.

The SAPS have also confirmed that following the said incident, no rape or missing person report was ever filed with the Police. The allegation that a woman is missing since December, without any missing persons report being filed by her friends, family or police, since the day is evidence that there is no missing person.

At no point on the day in question or any other day in the account of the police, was I accused of rape or kidnapping. This false narrative is deliberately concocted to tarnish my good name and reputation. It is also worth noting that these frivolous allegations are not backed up by any form of evidence.

I am also seeking legal advice on how to best deal with these unfounded allegations.

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