DA lays charges against failing Polokwane Municipal Manager

DA lays charges against failing Polokwane Municipal Manager
by Councillor Johan Retters – DA portfolio member for Water and Sanitation: Polokwane Local Municipality

Date: 01 March 2023
Release: Immediate

Yesterday, the DA in Polokwane laid criminal charges against Polokwane Local Municipality municipal manager, Thuso Nemugumani for neglecting her duties to prevent the continued raw sewage pollution emanating from both the Polokwane and Seshego Wastewater Treatment Works. (See photos here and here).

During recent oversights, the state of deterioration and malfunctioning of both treatment plants has been evident. (See photos here, here, here and here.)

Both plants have been operating without managers for years, and the neglect is obvious.

Currently, raw or partially treated effluent flows directly into the Sand and Bloodriver on the outskirts of Polokwane.

The Polokwane wastewater treatment plant was designed to treat 26 ML of effluent per day. Currently, an estimated 45 Ml is running through the plant.

Officials on site could not confirm the amount of outflow as the relevant meters are not functioning.

Some areas of the Treatment Works Plants are inaccessible due to overgrown weeds and grass.

Polokwane is on the brink of an imminent health risk unless there is immediate intervention from the municipality.

The DA lodged a complaint at the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) in July 2022, but has yet to receive feedback.

The 2022 Greendrop Score for Polokwane Wastewater Treatment indicated a critical 31% low with no improvement since the release of the report.

Residents and businesses on the perimeter of the treatment plants and along the Blood and Sandrivers have to endure the horrid stench, whilst the poorly or untreated effluent runs downstream with disastrous effects on animals, human and the ecosystem as a whole.

After our oversight, we provided feedback to the portfolio committee and requested an urgent meeting with the Executive Mayor, MMC for Water, and Municipal Manager, to which we have received no response.

The lack of urgency from the municipality to deal with this problem shows that they are not concerned with the well-being and health of residents and the environment; Polokwane deserves better.

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