Coalition Disappointed by Tshwane Mayor
Vote Outcome, Resolute on Way Forward

Coalition Disappointed by Tshwane Mayor
Vote Outcome, Resolute on Way Forward
The multi-party coalition in the City of Tshwane expresses its disappointment at the election
of COPE’s Murunwa Makwarela as the Mayor of Tshwane.
The multi-party coalition has held a majority since taking office in 2021 and continues to hold
a majority of seats in council. As has become standard with the ANC and EFF, it is clear that
some councillors from within the coalition were induced to break ties with the coalition and
support Makwarela.
The election of Mayors and Speakers under the secret ballot required in legislation has
created a culture of bribery in municipal councils. This coalition condemns, in the harshest
terms, those councillors who accept election on the back of party’s campaigning for change
only to assist the ANC and EFF to get elected against the will of the residents of Tshwane.
All parties within the coalition will work to identify those who sold out the residents of
Tshwane and the coalition. These councillors will be removed and replaced with urgency
ahead of a motion of no confidence that will be tabled to remove Makwarela from his illgotten office.
The coalition will announce developments and timing of these steps in the near future.

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