Summary: State of the Nation Address (SONA) 2023

Summary: State of the Nation Address (SONA) 2023

  1. Overview
    • President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered his seventh State of the Nation Address
    (SONA) to the Joint Sitting of the National Assembly and the National Council
    of Provinces on Thursday, 23 February 2023.
    • For the 2nd consecutive year, SONA was delivered from the Cape Town City
    Hall after fires broke out at the parliamentary precinct on 02 January 2022,
    destroying both the Old Assembly Wing and the National Assembly Wing of
    the buildings of Parliament.
    • The speech was preceded by interruptions from the Economic Freedom
    Fighters (EFF) members of parliament as they raised issues pertaining to the
    president’s Phala Phala Farmgate.
    • African Transformation Movement (ATM)’s leader Vuyo Zungula was the first
    to be thrown out of the house for defying the speaker, while the EFF was led
    out by the parliamentary protection unit more than 30 minutes into the official
    house proceedings.
  2. President on Eskom and Electricity Crisis
    • The president announced the declaration of a state of disaster to deal with the
    energy crisis in the country. This follows a series of rolling blackouts by state
    power utility Eskom.
    • He also announced that he will be appointing the Minister of Electricity who
    will be based in the presidency to deal with the energy crisis and bring back
    stability within Eskom
    • Despite this, the minister of Public Enterprise will remain the shareholder at
    • The Auditor-General will be brought in to ensure continuous monitoring of
    expenditures in order to guard against any abuses of the funds needed to
    attend to this disaster.
    • The Engineering Council of South Africa has offered to give as much
    assistance as required by deploying engineers to work with the management
    teams at power stations
    • National Treasury is said to be finalizing a solution to Eskom’s R400 billion
    debt burden in a manner that is equitable and fair to all stakeholders, which
    will enable the utility to make necessary investments in maintenance and
    Number Description
    300 MW Already been secured by Eskom from neighbouring countries.
    9000 MW To be produced by 100 projects that are already underway
    2800 MW New companies entering renewable energy programme to help
    R1.5 trillion To be invested for Just Energy Transmission over the next five
    R100 billion The amount already attracted by the Northern Cape for renewable
    energy projects
    R400 billion Eskom debt that the National Treasury is expected to carry the
  3. On Infrastructure Development
    • Government working to develop Transnet Roadmap, restructuring of Transnet
    Freight Rail to create a separate Infrastructure Manager for the rail network by
    October 2023.
    • Transnet and private partners to conclude partnership agreements for Durban
    and Ngqura container terminals to improve efficiency
    • Transnet plans for the rehabilitation of its idle locomotives and expanding fleet
    • President said that more vehicles produced in South Africa are destined for
    overseas markets, and are leaving through the Port Elizabeth automotive
    • The restructuring of PRASA is underway and 13 commuter rail lines have
    been reopened
    • Phase 2 of the Lesotho Highlands water project to commence in 2023, while
    the Umzimvubu water project will start in the next financial year 2023/24
    • More water projects to increase capacity planned for Clanwilliam Dam,
    Hazelmere Dam, and the Tzaneen Dam for supply in the West Coast,
    eThekwini, and the eastern parts of Limpopo
    • R600 million set aside for infrastructure projects
    • Ramaphosa says by January this year, projects worth R232 billion were under
    construction, and projects worth nearly R4 billion had been completed in the
    • SANRAL issued over R18 billion in construction contracts in the last three
    • The president announced that 24 bridges are currently underway in Kwazulu
    Natal, with a further 24 on the cards.
    • The auction of the telecommunication spectrum contributed 14 billion for the
    fiscus, it is expected to reduce the cost of data for connectivity.
  4. On Unemployment
    • The president says the country has more than 25 million people who rely on
    income support. He promised an increase in the existing social grants to deal
    with high inflation.
    • Government to continue with Social Relief of Distress Grants which he says is
    currently received by 7.8 million people.
    • Through the Small Enterprise Finance Agency – SEFA – govt plans to provide
    R1.4 billion in financing to over 90,000 entrepreneurs.
    • Government in partnership with the SA SME Fund is working to establish a
    R10 billion fund to support SMME growth. The government is looking at the
    possibility of providing R2.5 billion for the fund and for the balance of R7.5
    billion to be raised from the private sector.
    • Post Bank Amendment Bill underway to allow for the establishment of state
    bank and allow funding to those who cannot be funded by private banking
    • National Skills Fund to set aside R800 million in the digital and technology
    • 20 000 TVET graduates to be placed under employment in 2023 while
    increasing artisan intake to 30 000 in all TVET colleges
    • 1 million opportunities created by presidential employment stimulus across all
    • 150 000 school assistants started work In February 2023, while the Social
    Employment Fund is recruiting 50 000 people, and 36 000 opportunities are
    expected to come from the National Youth Service
    • 140 000 small-scale farmers received vouchers for seeds, fertilizer and
    equipment, and there is a plan to issue 250 000 vouchers in 2023
    • The Industrial Development Corporation has earmarked approximately R9
    billion to invest in women-led businesses.
  5. On Education
    • 1.5 million children are now beneficiaries of the Early Childhood Development
    • The Sanitation Appropriate for Education Initiative – known as SAFE –
    together with the government’s Accelerated School Infrastructure Delivery
    Initiative has built 55,000 appropriate toilets with resources from the public
    and private sectors.
    • In 2023, the government will finalize a Comprehensive Student Funding
    model for higher education to address the missing middle in the NSFAS
  6. On Safety and Security
    • The president promises 10 000 new recruits in the South African Police
    Service (SAPS)
    • The specialized police teams that are working on tackling crimes like
    kidnapping, extortion, and illegal mining have had several breakthroughs,
    arresting dozens of suspects and achieving several convictions.
    • He promised firm action against those involved in economic sabotage as it
    causes serious damage to the country’s economy. The Multi-disciplinary
    Economic Infrastructure Task Teams are said to be operational in 20
    identified hotspots.
    • 10111 police hotline to be boosted with private sector partnership and more
    funding for the National Prosecution Authority and Special Investigative Unit
    • The Presidential Summit on Gender-Based Violence adopted the National
    Strategic Plan to help with the scourge
    • The National Anti-Corruption Advisory Council, consisting of people from
    across society, is in place to advise on suitable mechanisms to stem
    corruption, including an overhaul of the institutional architecture for
    combatting corruption.
    • Following state capture cases, R7 billion was recovered and R12.9 billion of
    funds and assets have been frozen.
    • The Witness Protection Unit will be capacitated and there is a proposal to
    introduce amendments to Protected Disclosures Act and Witness Protection
    • The NPA’s Investigative Directorate to bed established as a permanent entity
    within the NPA
  7. On State-Owned Enterprises
    • Government will oversee the establishment of a State-Owned Holding
    Company as part of a centralized shareholder model that will ensure effective
    oversight of SOEs.
    • Presidency and National Treasury to work together to rationalize government
    departments, entities, and programmes over the next three years.
    • 163 of the 257 municipalities were identified as dysfunctional and ineffective
    and failing to provide services and interventions are being implemented to
    help them.
    • On 13 April 2023, the 5th South Africa Investment Conference will be held.
    The target has been set at more than R2 trillion in new investment by 2028.
  8. Possible Interviews and analysis
    Name Phone Affiliation
    Moloto Mothapo 082 370 6930 Parliament Spokesperson
    Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri 076 891 5420 ANC Spokesperson
    Sinawo Thambo 072 692 7422 EFF Spokesperson
    Richard Newton 076 763 7568 DA Head of Comms
    Wouter Wessels 082 674 6670 FF Plus Spokesperson
    Bantu Holomisa 082 552 4156 UDM President
    Mkhuleko Hlengwa 071 111 0539 IFP Spokesperson
    Dennis Bloem 082 451 5718 COPE Spokesperson
    Adv. Shameemah Salie 084 423 0476 Al Jama -ah Spokesperson
    Margaret Arnolds 076 470 5080 AIC Treasurer and Spokesperson
    Keeno Peterson 073 580 2902 ACDP Media Liaison
    Simthandile Tyhali 063 736 3938 PAC Media Liaison
    Vuyo Zungula 083 240 7095 ATM President
    Sahaik Emam 081 439 4700 NFP Member of Parliament
    Political Analysts
    Prof Lesiba
    Academic, author, lecturer, and
    082 802 8424 English & Sepedi
    Dr Levy Ndou Academic, lecturer and Political
    083 235 3607 English, Sepedi and
    Angelo Fick Lecturer, researcher and political
    082 051 8997 English
    Prof Susan
    Academic, author, researcher and
    082 290 1636 English & Afrikaans
    Sandile Swana Former lecturer and political
    083 390 3066 English & IsiXhosa
    Prof Bheki
    Academic, author, lecturer and
    Expertise: Political Science, Higher
    Education and African Comparative
    072 351 1947 English & IsiZulu
    Race and scholar, lecturer and
    political analyst
    Expertise: Race, gender,
    082 610 9374 English & IsiXhosa
    Prof Sethulego
    Academic, lecturer & researcher.
    Expertise: Local politics, social
    movements, protests, governance
    and public participation at the local
    government level.
    083 990 5510 English & SeSotho
    Prof Dirk Kotze Academic, author, lecturer and
    Expertise: Politics, conflict
    resolution, governance and public
    082 789 7401 English & Afrikaans
    Theo Venter Political and policy specialist,
    strategic facilitator, and scenario
    Expertise: Politics, strategy and
    scenario methodology
    082 415 9034 English & Afrikaans
    Prof William
    Academic, author, lecturer &
    Expertise: Political Economy,
    076 579 9812 English
    governance, public management &
    policy, Parliamentary monitoring &
    Dr Thapelo
    Academic & lecturer.
    Expertise: Political and socioeconomic issues, democracy and
    082 811 2689 English, Setswana &
    Political commentator, Moderator
    and Communications and Media
    Expertise: Political science, law &
    social justice
    072 132 7408 English & SePedi
    Academic, author, lecturer &
    Expertise: Political Economy and
    Development, Democracy, Foreign
    Policy & KZN Politics
    083 637 0903 English
    Dr Lubna
    Academic, author, lecturer &
    Expertise: Political Science,
    International Relations, Gender
    Politics, Political Philosophy,
    Middle East Politics, Conflict
    Transformation and Peace
    083 786 4918 English
    Prof Collette
    Academic, lecturer and researcher.
    Expertise: Political Behaviour;
    Democracy and Governance,
    Corruption and Public Sector
    Ethics, Social Justice and Human
    083 564 9567 English & Afrikaans
    Independent analyst and social
    Expertise: Human and Disability
    Rights, Social Justice and
    072 1341223/
    067 646 6090
    English, IsiZulu &
    Prof Andre
    Academic, author, lecturer &
    Expertise: Political Theory,
    Political Transformation,
    Governance and Public
    082 883 4156 English & Afrikaans
    Dr Ntsikelelo
    Academic, lecture and researcher.
    Expertise: History and Political
    Studies, Economic Development,
    Race Relations, Peace and
    Security Studies.
    076 217 5159 English & IsiXhosa
    Public policy researcher and
    project manager.
    Expertise: Leadership and Policy
    Development; Strategic Planning,
    and Governance.
    063 174 5182 English & IsiZulu
    Precious Independent Analyst & lecturer 083 633 0218 English & IsiZulu
    This fact sheet was compiled by MASWELE RALEBONA, Specialist Researcher. For
    more information, please don’t hesitate to contact me on 079 501 5640.
    Lugayeni Expertise: Economics,
    governance and service delivery.
    Dr Zweli
    Academic, lecture and researcher.
    Expertise: Elections, political
    parties and the dynamics of
    political coalitions, International
    Mediation, Global Governance and
    Conflict in Africa.
    083 4903272/
    073 521 9648
    English & IsiXhosa

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