Congregation beat their Pastor who commanded them to eat their underwear!

End Times Disciples Ministries church became a battleground when its Prophet and founder, was beaten and the church set alight by angry congregation. It is alleged that the pastor has directed his congregation to eat their underwear as a holy food to heal their bodies and to bring luck upon themselves.

This didn’t seat well with congregants who accused him of being a fake pastor. They dragged and tied him, before badly beating him. The pastor who is now recovering in hospital has rue the day he met members of this church, because he was wounded.

The tent of his church was set alight with other equipment of the church. One of the church member who cannot be named, as she is afraid of being victimised says the pastor has been doing funny things in the church, and they started to suspect that he could be one of Shepherd Bushiri’s mentees, who tried his luck on them.

Another church member said that the pastor has been prioritising tithes all the time, hence they started to suspect that he could be up to something fishy. The police are investigating a case of assault and malicious damage to property. Authorities have also discouraged members of the public from taking the law into their own hands.

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