The High Court of South Africa: The Mpumalanga High Court convicted and sentenced seven men to various sentences after they were found guilty of murder of a farmer, Deon Jacon De Bruyn, and the attempted murder of Estelle Jansen. Sifiso Happy Madonsela (33), together with his six co-accused Solomon Msimango (32), Raul Mhlanga (29), Derrick Makamo (24), Oscar Johannes Chauke (37), Andy Hendry Mahonga and Fannie Mandla Mkhabela, were found guilty of robbery with aggravating circumstances, kidnapping, possession of a firearm, pointing a firearm, possession of an unlicensed firearm, possession of ammunition, attempted murder, and murder.

The accused in the matter were seasonal employees who used to assist on the farm with general labour. On the evening of 15 – 16 June 2018, the accused conspired with each other and arranged a vehicle, firearms, and went to rob the owner of the farm at Strydomblok road, Simonsvlei farm known as Ka Meisies farm. Upon their arrival on the farm, the accused subdued the security guard, Makamo restricted his movement by tying his hands and feet with a rope and robbed him of his cellphone. They then moved to the farmhouse, cocked a firearm, and gained entry through the main door.

They found the surviving victim Estelle Jansen in the main bedroom drinking coffee and a struggle ensued; it ended up in the living room where the deceased was. The accused fired seven shots and several bullets hit the surviving victim, she fell on the ground, then the accused continued to demand money from her. She played dead and they left her alone. A bullet struck the deceased victim, de Bruyn and he died on the scene. They then fled the scene with the deceased’s cellphone. Some of the accused were arrested three days after the incident, while others were arrested two months later in different areas.

During a marathon trial all accused pleaded not guilty, and the state represented by the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Mr Sonja Ntuli, led evidence identifying the accused as perpetrators. Another state witness testified against the accused he confirmed that the accused approached him to give them a lift to the farm on the morning of June 17, 2018. Their evidence was supported by the testimony of the surviving victim who told the court about what she observed and on the day of the incident.  The presiding officer found the evidence of the state witnesses credible, and the accused were found guilty as charged.

In sentencing the accused, the court considered all the evidence placed befre it, and the role each accused played during the commission of the offence. Madonsela, Msimango, Mhlanga Makamo, Chauke, Mahonga were sentenced to 15 years direct imprisonment and Mkhabela was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The National Prosecuting Authority welcomes the conviction and sentence. We commend the work done by the Prosecution and Investigating team with the hope that this sentence will deter to like-minded individuals.

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