Urgent intervention needed over appalling road conditions

The DA in Limpopo has written to the MEC for Public Works, Road and Infrastructure, Nkakareng Rakgoale, for the prompt intervention of the department over the terrible state of the road between Tolwe and Baltimore as well as the Baltimore to Marken road. View photos here, here, here and video here.

DA Councillor, Corinus du Toit, carried out an oversight visit in the Baltimore , Tolwe and Marken areas after the DA had received numerous complaints from residents, farmers and motorists that make use of these roads on a daily basis and are endangering their lives. There have been unnecessary accidents, some of which have resulted in the loss of life or injury and where vehicles were damaged due to the poor state of these roads.

The three kilometre tarred access road to Tolwe has been neglected and has deteriorated to such an extent that there are makeshift gravel roads on either side of the original road, which is now used by pedestrians. The dust created by the vehicles has also led to farmers being unable to use the land next to the road as the dust smothers the development of crops.

The Baltimore to Marken road has been poorly maintained, and has virtually no tarred surface left. This has also led to vehicles being forced to make their own gravel roads on either side of the road. This road’s condition is a huge blow to the areas economic activity as farmers used the road to transport fresh produce to Gauteng.

The Tolwe to Baltimore road has a 10 kilometre stretch that has been patched numerous times but is still riddled with large potholes that have the potential to cause accidents, especially at night.

Besides residents and workers of the surrounding areas using the roads for their daily commute, these roads are also key to the major economic activities of the area. The failure to maintain the roads is hampering local economic development in the area and the accessibility of services for residents in surrounding areas and villages.

We have written to Rakgaole to intervene and urgently address these roads as well as to ensure that these roads are included in “Operation Thiba Mekoti Ditseleng” aimed at fast tracking the patching of potholes.

The DA cares about the safety of road users and is committed to ensuring the provision of a safe, adequate provincial road infrastructure network that stimulates economic development and job opportunities for the people of Limpopo.

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