Limpopo recorded a total of 1134 sexual offences with rape, sexual assault and attempted sexual offences increasing from the 2021/22 2nd quarter stats.

16 Days of Activism: Crime stats show Limpopo Provincial Government and SAPS losing fight against sex offenders and domestic violence
by Desiree van der Walt MP – DAWN Limpopo Chairperson

Date: 28 November 2022
Release: Immediate

The Democratic Alliance Women’s Network (DAWN) in Limpopo is deeply concerned by the high number of sexual offences and domestic violence related offences registered at the onset of 16 days of activism for no violence against women and children.

The province is currently losing the battle on violence against children and women and the 2022/23 South African Police Service (SAPS) 2nd quarter crime statistics for Limpopo paint a dire picture.

Limpopo recorded a total of 1134 sexual offences with rape, sexual assault and attempted sexual offences increasing from the 2021/22 2nd quarter stats.

There were 963 reported rape cases, which is an increase of 15.5% from the previous year.

The statistics further show that domestic violence continues to be a serious societal issue.

The province recorded 15 attempted murder cases, 11 murder cases, 50 rape cases, 9 sexual assault cases, 359 assault GBH cases and 663 common assault cases as domestic violence related crimes.

These statistics do not reflect the untold physical, emotional and phycological suffering endured by the victims who were brave enough to report their cases.

On 24 November 2022, the Legislature passed a DA motion that the people of Limpopo have lost confidence in the SAPS and that provincial police commissioner, Lt.Gen Thembi Hadebe is not up to the task to ensure the safety or property of citizens.

We will take the fight to get rid of Lt. Gen Hadebe to Parliament to ensure that an experienced and dedicated commissioner is appointed in Limpopo.

All victims of GBV who report their cases are a call for action and they demand a response.

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